HOLY SPIRIT: 3 Hour Prayer Time Music | Christian Meditation Music | Peaceful Relaxation Music | Video

3 Hour Peaceful & Relaxing Piano Instrumental Music for Prayer, Worship, Meditation, Deep Healing, Study, Rest, Stress Relief, Refreshing, Deep Sleep & Relaxation.

Stream & Download New Album here: https://album.link/7xJ7B05CDgMKc
iTunes & Apple Music: http://tiny.cc/acxecz
Spotify: https://sptfy.com/4HvK
Bandcamp: https://dappytkeys.bandcamp.com/
Official Website: https://www.timoladeru.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DappyTKeysPianoWorship/
Social Media: Instagram & Twitter – @dappytkeys


Psalm 27:4 “One thing I have desired of the Lord, that will I seek: That I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, to behold the beauty of the Lord, and to inquire in His temple.”

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DappyTKeys Piano Worship is founded on the scripture from the book of 1 Samuel 16:23 (“…David would take a harp and play it with his hand. Then Saul would become refreshed and well, and the distressing spirit would depart from him”). My music is Anointed, Inspirational and God inspired; it’s an overflow of time spent in God’s presence and fellowship with the Holy Spirit. I pray you will be drawn to the love of God in Christ Jesus, you will experience a peace that pass all understanding, you will experience healing from your sickness, and May the peace of God which surpasses all understanding guard your heart and mind as you listen. Amen!
You can support this ministry by donating here: https://www.paypal.me/DappyTKeysUK

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  1. In these times that God is testing how deep and loyal is our faith to Him, it’s the time im submitting and surrendering everything to Him. Only One God can heal the whole world we are living in. Let’s all pray, ask for His blessings, to the God Almighty, the Living Savior, the Alpha and Omega, that there will be calmness after the storm. Amen.

  2. Let Us Pray: God I ask You in Jesus’ name let this be one of My greatest goals:  To Know You and Make You Known. And bless me to walk in wisdom, love, power, and a sound mind.  God all that I have asked of You in this prayer, please do the same for the writer of this prayer, all those I love, and care about. And let us all walk by faith and not by sight and trust You every step of the way. Thank You Jesus. Amen.

  3. You alone are worthy Lord!! You raise us up for such a time as this!! Lord we command the enemy to leave!! Anxiety, FEAR, bad health must leave in JESUS name!! You are holy!!
    I’m hoping to start a YouTube channel myself!! In devotion unto the King of kings! I’d love to have this playing in my background!! So peaceful and mighty!! ??

  4. Amen dear Jesus Christ you are my everything today and I will always preise and worship you for the rest of my life time Amen Amen Amen In Jesus Christ Name Amen ?

  5. I’m so greatfull for my life sake and my blessings are you are my life and my blessings are all over me Amen Amen in Christ Jesus name Amen

  6. God bless you bro, thank you for sharing your music with the world it's really good for entering in communication with the Holy Spirit to read the Bible and pray ?✝️

  7. Jesus love us may we sharpen and encourage and love one another. Matthew 22:37-39 "Jesus said unto him. Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. This is the first and great commandment and the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself ." All, all, all, not some not most but all. Its one shot He gives us. It's all or nothing. One day when you die and you are kneeling before Jesus at the judgement are you gonna say, " well I tried to serve You." " I prayed once in a while to you Lord." " I praised You once in awhile." " I went to church every Sunday." " I read a verse or two a day." Sometimes a chapter or two but got sleepy." "I wanted to read Your whole Word but never got around to it. Jesus what did you want from me?" He has already told us Matthew 22:37-39. It's all or nothing I don't know about you but we get one chance we cant do Christianity over again so wouldn't it make sense to try our absolute hardest to be obedient to God and follow Jesus and live His Word everyday till He calls us home? Going to church every Sunday doesn't make you a Christian. It's truly believing and following Him. Following,following, the one true Saviour of the World Jesus Christ. Read the whole new testament first and than when read the old testament you will have a deeper understanding why God had to send His only begotten son Jesus Christ to die on the cross for our sins. Wow what a powerful and amazing book we have the absolute, perfect, flawless, powerful, loving Word of God. Brothers and sisters we need to truly follow Jesus. He is the bread of life and His Word is life. When we put Him first and spend most of our time everyday with Him He does a work that is undiscribsble and undeniable inside us and His Holy Spirit is at work and gives us true understanding for the Word and shows us how to live. How to live is in His Word. Love, joy, and peace beyond meassure but if we are not reading His Word everyday and praising Him everyday and praying everyday how much do we really love Him? This is hard truth I know but it's what Jesus says. Read Matthew 6. Its all about serving and following Him. Read John 6 all those disciples who were with Him witnessed miracles and signs and wonders and when Jesus was preaching the absolute truth about How He is the bread of life and that He was the bread sent from Heaven and the eternal life and God. It was to hard for all those disciples to believe and they sure weren't going to follow Him anymore so they left Jesus all them thousands left him. They left Jesus their only hope and salvation. There is hope the original 12 apostles stayed and they were chosen to spread the gospel to the end of the earth! Now, just as we disciples in Christ Jesus has commanded to is also to share the Good News. Jesus is very serious and Heaven is very real. It's not just believing its following too. I know I believed for over 20 years and didn't follow and now about 5 months ago God woke me up out of my spiritual slumber. Jesus said if you believe in Me, than why aren't you following me? Well right there and then I said enough! I gave it all yo Him! He is first in my life and I am a better servant for the Lord. I am a better son and better brother a better husband better father a better friend. He is at the beginning of my day in the middle of my day and at the end of my day even in between and all over again and all over again! Each and every day. You want to know something it never gets old reading His Word, praising Him and praying everyday to Him it's so exciting I cant wait to spend time reading and just thinking about Him with all, with all, my heart,soul, and mind Hallelujah! Praise Jesus I am nothing without you Jesus. When I die I can honestly say, " Jesus it was hard but you strengthened me." I chose to store treasures here in Heaven with You Lord." I gave everything I could to follow you and even when I thought i gave enough You made it possible to give you more, more beyond my ability and strength." " I spent most of my time reading Your Word and praising You and praying to You." " I showed Your love to the world." "I shared the Good News the one true and only gospel that You gave to Your Apostles to the World." I did not share nothing that wasn't in your Word or my version how I think it says. I shared Your simple flawless Word with the world. I showed the Fruit of Your Holy Spirit to the world:)" All I want and all I long for is 2 things. First to be with Jesus my Lord and Saviour and to here those so powerful and so beautiful the only words I long to hear. If I hear no other words for eternity I want to hear " Well done thy good and faithful servant." We need to truly repent and put you first Jesus. We get one shot at this life we need to follow you Lord with all we got. You deserve more of our time not Facebook, not video games, not cigarettes, not alcohol, not dirty talking, not gossiping, not any lust of the flesh. We are sinning alot more than we should. Lord may the fallen Christians rise up and follow You. Brothers and sisters we are to walk in the Spirit. When we truly believe in Jesus and truly follow Him we will have the fruit of the Spirit of God. Galatians 5 read it please. Love you all in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord and Saviour. We are to sharpen one another and encourage one another. I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ Jesus Hallelujah. I was supposed to be asleep almost 5 hours ago Lol:)!!! See this is not uncommon when your truly living for God. The last 4 hours I have been spreading the Good News the last hour fixing typing errors Praise God:)! Thete is one and only true gospel of Jesus Christ Galatians 1:6-9 there is only one gospel read the whole new testament. Than read the old testament you will truly have a deeper and better understanding of God's Word and why He had to send His only begotten son to die for our sins. When and only when you Love Him will all your heart,soul and mind will you truly understand His love its so amazing! His Word so powerful. I am proof what happens when we give it all to Jesus. I am not the only one anyone can have this! That'the power of God. Thank you Jesus use me I am your servant Amen. Love you all stay strong and surrender it all and than watch what He does when you give Him all your attention:)!it's so simple and amazing:) God bless. (Saving Christianity by Micheal Youssef) read it its time

  8. My son just finished with his school he has always had A and B but now he listens to this and he got strait A which he hasn’t had since 1 grade and he is in 5 going on 6


  10. Thank you for your ministry to us all. I am 80 years old and still seeking God as the deer pants after the water brook. That has been a favorite verse of mine for over 40 years!

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