My Middleman Money System Review

For anybody thinking about getting the newest course from the Arbitrage Conspiracy, you need to read my Middleman Money System Review. If you’ve been away from the Internet Marketing world, a totally underground CPA marketer who simply goes by his first name Aymen, put out a kick ass PPC CPA course about a year ago called The Arbitrage Conspiracy. He is now resetting the bar with a totally new course called The Middleman Money System.

Instead of just relaunching the original Arbitrage Conspiracy course and simply adding a couple of extra modules like a lot of the current Gurus are doing as a super bonus Aymen is including the original AC course free when you grab The Middleman Money System. That means you’ll be getting two totally different courses for one. What this Middleman Money System review will do is go over both courses so you know exactly everything you’ll be getting.

Arbitrage Conspiracy Review (Original Course)

Broken down into 12 modules plus 2 bonus ones:

· Picking the right CPA offers

· Writing killer add copy

· Keyword research – lots and lots of tips and tricks

· Tracking – The key to huge profits – he goes into great detail here

· Ramping up campaigns

– taking marginal accounts and making them successful

– taking successful accounts and blowing the roof off them

· Banking – handling the finances to keep everything moving along.

· Much, much more

· 12 Q + A Webinars

· Bonuses covering the content free each week from original course included

· Tellman Knudson $4000 Site

· Bret Smith The Gury Membership $500.00

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Middleman Money System Review – includes six modules

1. Update Original PPC CPA content

– Quick Cash Modules: to find your PPC campaigns

– Action Plan Checklist: what to do step by step

– Bonus Content

– A to Z campaigns: this where you see first hand them setting up a successful campaign from start to finish (You gotta know this campaign will be copied a few times.)

– Weekly Q + A Webinars: Every week aymen answers all your questions

Extra Bonus: over $2000 of discounts off PPC software you’ll need if your serious.

2. Advanced Marketing

– Trends: Aymens favourite subject how to spot them and take advantage

– Prospect Psycology

– Understanding Benefits

– Messaging

– Advanced Testing and Tracking

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3. Brokering

– Connecting a product with list

– Building your rolodex

– Making sure you get paid

– Tracking

4. Media Buys

– How it works

– The Do’s and Don’ts

– Big windfalls

5. Partnering: Attract big time patners

– Building your rep

– Attaching potential partners

– Selection process

– Negotiating deals

6. Email Arbitrage

– Understanding lists

– Striking a deal

– Email copywriting: write easy email campaigns on autopilot

– Pitfalls and designs

Super Bonus:

Aymen is taking one lucky member under his wing and is going to personally tutor him on becoming a Millionaire.

In Conclusion: Pro’s and Con’s

The Arbitrage Conspiracy Course is a solid course. It definitely covers everything you need to know about the CPA PCC game. I should know I’m a member. It has produced outstanding results for a lot of its members. I can’t comment how well I’ve done using the course for FTC regulation reasons but let’s just said I don’t regret buying it. Well worth the money. The only downside is if you are a newbie it will be a challenge. From what I’ve seen with the new Middleman Money System it more than doubles its value.


by Glenn Lillestrand