Windows 10 (Beginners Guide) {VIDEO}

The Windows 10 operating system has been out for more than a couple years now. I still get questions on how to perform certain tasks and which settings to use within the operating system. Whether you’re new to Windows 10, having just upgraded from an older operating system, recently purchased a new computer with Windows 10 pre-installed or like many have become frustrated with the macOS operating system from Apple and have finally made the switch to Windows computer. In this beginner’s guide, I will go over the basic settings and give you a tour of Windows 10 to get you started with using the operating system.

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“Windows 10 Tips” Playlist

1:06 Desktop
3:16 Taskbar
6:18 Start Menu
8:00 Microsoft Apps
9:00 Open Settings or Control Panel
9:53 System Settings
11:08 Device Settings
11:37 Phone Settings
11:50 Network Settings
12:07 Personalization Settings
13:32 App Settings
14:12 Time & Language Settings
14:33 Gaming Settings
14:55 Ease of Access Settings
15:10 Privacy Settings
15:37 Update & Security Settings

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TechGumbo is a leading source for the technology that we use each day. Whether it’s discussing computer operating system tricks, the latest tips for your mobile phone, finding out about the newest gadgets, or tutorials that teach you how to learn to use software, TechGumbo has boundless topics on technology for the astute YouTube viewer.



  1. If you are new to Windows 10, hopefully this video helped you out with getting started with the operating system. Thanks for watching 🙂

  2. Windows 10 is garbage. It is like a virus that infects and often crashes your computer, as well as disables speakers and external microphones. MS 10 also hijacks your computer to install updates (and patches) that take forever and forever and forever. To prevent MS 10 from hijacking your computer you need to set your network(s) to ''metered network''

  3. I do want to upgrade to windows 10 but everytime I get to the checking for updates part the upgrade cancels and it sends me back to windows 7 and it says undoing changes made to your computer any fixes??

  4. I loved when you said for you who are frustrated with macOS system and finally switched to windows. I’m so happy I’m ditching macOS

  5. Thank goodness for this video as getting my first laptop next week just a refurbished dell precision but will do for what I need. The last time I used a computer it had xp on there

  6. Thank you. Have only had windows 10 for a few months so this helps a lot. I find it quite different than all the previous windows o.s. And I do like to know my computer and what I can do on it.

  7. The video was very insightful however, it was a little fast for me in just joining the Windows 10 family. Other than that, I really learned alot from the video … so what if I had to rewind it several times, right… I'm slow like that. lol ?

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