Beliefs In Psychic Ability

The belief in psychic ability is an ancient one. There are many important psychic cultures scattered throughout history where an obvious connection with the spirit world and the serious development of some individuals’ psychic abilities was a key part of that culture. Often these psychics would become particularly revered in their society. Often they would have the ear of the leaders if they were not part of the leading elite themselves. In ancient history there is evidence that many cultures had a very strong connection with the spirit world. They would consult the psychics amongst them with regard to all the important events in their lives including hunting, farming and conflict. The psychic world could also play a major part in their ceremonies and celebrations.

One of the most famous psychic cultures from history is ancient Athens. Athenians made many important choices based on divination on a public and private level. The famous oracle at Delphi shows many signs that it was a link to the spirit world. The rapture that the priestess and her minions entered into is very reminiscent of a strong physical psychic link with the spirit world. There are a number of surviving descriptions and many modern psychic historians consider this to be the case. The Delphic Oracle would provide prophetic statements and answers to specific questions. The person who channeled the oracle is reported to have spoken in a form of speech that was then interpreted by trained priests. They believed the messages were coming from their god Apollo. We would probably see these priests as psychics using the oracle as their link to the spirit world.

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Other famous psychic cultures include Tibet. The Tibetan culture is very well known for its psychics. As in ancient Athens the first known Tibetan psychic practices are the oracles. This involved what they understood as being possessed by gods, in much the same way as the Athenians understood it. These were “Mo divination” and “mahasiddhis”. More recently Tibetan culture has gained its psychic connections through the development of Buddhism. The use of meditation and their belief in the ability to have influence over reincarnation are two clear psychic elements of their culture. There are many other cultures that, in a similar way, contain strong historical evidence of the importance of the psychic world in their society.

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Historical psychic cultures have had a huge influence on the modern understanding and use of psychic abilities. Many of the methods and tools that modern day psychics use are derived from historical psychic traditions and cultures. Meditation is a technique that has risen hugely in popularity over the last few decades. Many people use this technique purely for relaxation purposes, but it is also an ancient way of helping to focus psychic abilities.


by Sarah Saxon