Do Repressed Emotions Cause Anxiety?

For quite a while, mental health professionals have debated the causes of anxiety disorder. One such theory is that repressed emotions are the cause of anxiety disorder. So, the question is, do repressed emotions cause anxiety?

People Pleasers

Some doctors say that when a person does not express their emotions, such as anger, resentment, etc., they will continue to build up inside the mind, and then anxiety results. One example that is cited is “people pleasers”. These people suffer from the thought that they must always seek to please others, so as not to have anyone become angry with them.

The idea here is that someone who is always trying to make other people like him or her will become anxious in everything they say or do. Thus, continuing to think this way and not being able to free ones self from this thought train, causes anxiety disorder.

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Repressed Anger

Another emotion that can cause trouble is repressed anger. Say you are angry with someone for something they did or said. Unfortunately, you are not very good at expressing yourself, so you do not say anything. Time goes by and you continue to bring up the incident in your mind and you get angrier and angrier. Before you know it, that is all you can think about. So, does continuing to repress anger cause anxiety?

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It makes sense in some ways that repressed emotions cause anxiety. However, there is still a huge debate on this subject. But that doesn’t mean that you have to just live with anxiety. It is possible to overcome it. Not just cope with it, but actually get rid of it for good

Cognitive Behavior Therapy

A good therapist using Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT) techniques can go a long way to help. The problem here is that this technique is very dependent on how effective the therapist is. And even with a good therapist, the emphasis is still on coping.


by A M Cohen