Sonic 1 Hacking Tutorials – Object Art Editing Part 3 | Video

I am finally back with another part. We continue looking into art editing with SonMapEd.

Sonic 2 Disassembly Link:

Any questions please let me know. We shall continue in part 4.

READ ALSO:  Hacking Tutorials - 1 - Network Sniffing with Cain and Abel | Video



  1. Hi. I'm exporting the title Sonic tile with tile render 2, however it's exporting as if it was on tile 3.. I've tried exporting on tile render 3, but that just exports an invisible Sonic.. any suggestions?

  2. I can't seem to find the mappings for the sonic 2 title screen logo, I found the graphics, and I also found a .bin file named "sonic the hedgehog 2 title screen logo mappings" in the "misc" folder but it doesn't work and yes the format is set to sonic 2

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