10 Minute Chakra Balance Guided Meditation for Positive Energy | Video

A 10 Minute Chakra Balancing Guided Meditation leaving you feeling full of positive Energy. Enjoy!


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  1. Excellent meditation! One of the best guided meditations I have tried so far! The duration is just right with everything we need to know about each chakra! Also one of the most suitable guided voices that would make everyone feel calm and peaceful when listening to it!! Thank you for designing such a great meditation for people in need. Really am full of positive energy each time after listening to it! Thank you!!

  2. Wow I loved this one. 4-5 people & resentful situations popped up in my thoughts. Instead of fighting, I pictured every one of them smile, laugh and then fade away. This has been one of the most beneficial meditations I’ve tried 🙂

  3. That was crazy. I'm still not sure how much of this I believe (the whole chakra thing) but saw blue light dance in waves behind my eyes as soon as I focused on my neck. This really calmed me down, and it was the first time in years where my mind hasn't been racing and full of thoughts.

  4. Towards the end, I was gently away of my whole body at once. When he said to store the energy in your belly, I was naturally already doing so. Pretty cool! I feel much better now?

  5. that was so cool!!!! i felt different energy in every chakra! i think this helped me realize that my sacral chakra is blocked right now, but i definitely felt energy coming from my root all the way into my legs, and they’re still tingling as i’m writing this!!! super cool. and when it got to the solar plexus i felt the energy jump and dance around in my stomach like butterflies!! coolest experience ever thank you 🙂

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