Daily Healing Meditation – Live from Costa Rica April 2020 – Day 33 | Video

Join Deva Premal & Miten for their monthly 108 cycles of the Gayatri Mantra. This is a strong meditation they share on the third Saturday of every month as part of the Global Days of Unity initiative. Today’s meditation includes the song “All the Way” from Miten’s album ‘Devotee’ and finishes with ‘Lokah Samasta’.

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Listen to songs:

The Om Meditation-

Gayatri Mantra Meditation (108 Cycles)-https://open.spotify.com/track/1kYeYUOjvEX9Vg3Tb8VIHR?si=xv7NMHArRhGbwpplDDI4Tw

All the Way-

Lokah Samasta-

Gayatri Mantra:
om bhur bhuvah swaha
tat savitur varenyam
bhargo devasya dhimahi
dhiyo yonah prachodayat

Meditating upon the adorable, enchanting and radiant source of all things, we awaken to the divine light of pure consciousness.

READ ALSO:  Extremely Powerful Guided Meditation. Experience Deep Love And Acceptance For Yourself. Healing. {VIDEO}

Let’s come together in Love & Light – Deva & Miten

Mantras for Healing Spotify Playlist: Listen on Spotify https://open.spotify.com/playlist/2Xc…

Connect with Deva Premal & Miten:
▶︎Newsletter: http://devapremalmiten.com/subscribe-dpm-mailer/
▶︎Tour: https://store.devapremalmiten.com/tour/
▶︎Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/devapremalmiten
▶︎Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/devapremalmiten/
▶︎Music: http://devapremalmiten.com/Music



  1. Namaste?My cat has gone to heaven a few days ago….We were watching your youtube together during his hard time. it was very healing for us! Thank you for being with us over the sea, Deva and Miten! When his ceremony , I gave to him to sing Gayatri matra . because I sang this mantra as a lullaby before he dye in last day. It was helped us ,too!
    We love you ?

  2. Namaste beloved ! blessings and gratitude for this amazingly beautiful session….flowing with the rythm of life….as one says below…

  3. I am honored to have you both as a part of the spiritual circle that has been a part of this life on earth. Many have served my soul, thank you for being a part of the Gurus I venerate in my heart. So much love to you both! ??❤️???

  4. Greetings from Cleveland Ohio. USA. I am Costa Rica and my husband is from Freiburg, Germany. So special that you are in my country! Thanks for your beautiful sacred music. Please send my 90 year old mom loving healing energy. With metta, Ruth

  5. Thank you for so generously sharing & teaching us the way of the Mantra, for sharing your knowledge, your music. I am very grateful for these gifts. Namaste???

  6. I love you two Gurus! Miten, your guitar playing is amazingly beautiful! Blessings to all from California! ??????❤???✌

  7. I love the song and I love the (108 cycles) Gayatri mantra..
    but then immerse yourself in the great silence and be completely in it!
    Love&Light vibrate trough and within Yourself? thank you so mutch for sharing ?

  8. Such a beautiful chant that I purchased from your cd a few years ago. I have included it as a mantra to be chanted when I am dying…if I have the opportunity to have my family with me. Thank you so much for your much needed videos that keep me grounded so I can continue working on our crisis line (from home) helping youths across our country. Namaste

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