Show Your Respect With Memorial Bracelets

In a fast-paced digital world, it is too easy to neglect real values. We often tend to forget our actual heroes. So many people think of them as nothing more than mere science fiction characters. However, many real heroes deserve to have their stories remembered. It is our duty to pass on the stories of the soldiers who have sacrificed their lives and wound up saving the day.

A memorial bracelet can be made of rubber or metal and can often bear the names of fallen war heroes or terrorist attack victims. Memorial bracelets are used to commemorate an event, to support American troops and increase their morale, to show appreciation for the families of those who were killed in action, or to keep the memory alive of those innocent people who have died at the hands of terrorists. Below are some examples of stories and people who should be remembered.

Victims of Terrorism

Individuals who have been injured or have lost their lives during terrorist attacks.

Boston Marathon Bombing: At 2:50 p.m. on April 15, 2013, two bombs went off and ripped through the Boston Marathon finish line, killing three spectators and injuring at least 260 other people, many of whom lost limbs. By wearing memorial bracelets, we can show our deepest sympathies to the families of terrorism victims.

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Victims of Terrorism bracelets can include name, state or country of residence, attack location, and date of event.

Killed in Action/Missing in Action

KIA is a classification to describe combatants who have died at the hands of hostile forces. MIA recognizes combatants, medics, and prisoners of war who are reported missing during wartime.

Operation Iraqi Freedom: On March 19, 2003, President George Bush addressed the nation via live television, announcing the beginning of Operation Iraqi Freedom. The goal: to liberate Iraq from the dictator Saddam Hussein and stop him from developing weapons of mass destruction. The end of the mission was announced on August 31, 2010, by President Barack Obama. During the operation, nearly 35,000 American soldiers were wounded. Nearly 3,600 were listed as Killed in Action.

KIA/MIA bracelets can bear the name of a killed, captured, or missing troop. They help us keep these heroes in our thoughts and in our prayers. MIA bracelets serve as a symbol of hope. Engraved bracelets can include name, rank, branch of service, and date of event.

Many people today actively protest war but simultaneously support all the troops who fight for their country and families. People can provide not only moral but also financial support, as most companies donate a certain amount from the sale of each bracelet to charities that support the families of the heroes and victims of terrorism. By wearing memorial bracelets, not only will you show your respect to heroes, their families, and their friends, but you will always keep the memory alive of those who are not among us.

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And, in conclusion I would like to remind you of the story about the bracelet that went viral and once again recognize the power and influence of these magical objects. Remember the story about Yasmine Todhunter and how she found the most famous memorial bracelet in the world? She found it in the sand one morning. It bore the names of Phil Windorski, Matt Kelley, Josh Tillery, Ben Todd. When Mrs. Todhunter googled them, she found out they were American troops killed aboard two helicopters during a mission in Iraq. After posting about it on Facebook, within three days, her status went viral and was shared and commented by nearly 200,000 followers. After Tillery’s mother saw the post, and contacted them, it all became clear. It was a memorial bracelet sent by Tillery’s unit to his family members. This haunting reaction and willingness to finding this particular bracelet speaks for itself.

Check out more on: Memorial Bracelets


by Ryan Smith