
Ancient Greece of Delphi

The fame and power of Delphi was based on its oracle, which was one of the oldest in Greece. Nearly all ancient authors mention it at some point, or record some story or incident relating […]


Beware the Tarot

Tarot cards have existed in one form or another since early medieval times. Most historians will tell you that Tarot decks first appeared in northern Italy sometime between 1410 and 1430, that they most likely […]


Psychic Divination and Bibliomancy

One of the easiest methods of divination is that of bibliomancy. Bibliomancy is a process of utilizing spiritual books or manuscripts as a means to gather prophetic information. Practitioners of bibliomancy divination include both pagans […]


Types of Divination You Should Know About

Divination is the practice of seeking knowledge by supernatural (some would say psychic) means. The literal meaning of the word is “to let the divine realm manifest.” Cultures all throughout history have engaged in countless […]