
Reading Tarot Cards Intuitively

Over the years there has been a growing interest and curiosity in alternate lifestyles, religions and spirituality. More and more people are seeking spiritual support & counseling to resolve issues within their lives or to […]


What Is Numerology

What Is Numerology? Numerology is the study of numbers and how they form a specific vibration. Every name holds a vibration which means that every name has a unique set of characteristics. Many people think […]


Tarot Suits and Astrology

The Tarot Deck is made up of 78 cards, and these are divided into two sections, the Major Arcana, and the Minor Arcana. But, you knew that right? What you might not be aware of […]


Tarot Card Reading – The Fool

A deck of Tarot cards tells a new ‘story’ each time, for each reading and for each person. Every story begins with a zero, which signifies our Trust in our intuitions, decisions and the promise […]