
Living Wicca

Wicca, the secret, little known religion. There is a lot of speculation about Living Wicca. Satan worship, Sacrifices, blackmagick. WRONG, WRONG, and still WRONG! These people know nothing. The wiccan religion is a nature based, […]


Herbology in Wicca

Herbology is the mastery of combining herbs to either heal or be used for magick. Witches in the old days have always been synonymous to healers. They are usually the members of a village that […]


Finding a Real Spell

So you are learning Magick and you want to find real spells, but what is a spell? Can anyone cast a spell? Is it like Harry Potter where I just say a few funny words, […]


Candle Colors and Their Meanings

Candle magick is a form of magic that has been used for centuries, and it’s one of the most common forms of sympathetic magick in existence. The basic principle is that by focusing your energy […]


Stop Cheating With Magick

As strange as it may sound, there are indeed spells that can make your lover faithful to you. And when you are truly committed to someone you deserve that faithfulness and fidelity. All healthy relationships […]


Runes in Magick

Runes were discovered carved on wood, stone, and metal and bone objects. Wood is the most preferred medium for depicting runes – particularly for magical functions. Words for “pieces of wood” connected with the runes are several […]


Magick With Excitement!

Magick! Just the sound of the word and so many different images come to mind! Some picture of a rabbit being pulled out of a hat, while others think of some miracle that takes place […]